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September Moon Bling - NGetal (Healing)

Writer's picture: Sam (Bo) ThompsonSam (Bo) Thompson

Healing - It’s more than just individual healing. Although that is very important, there's just so much more to it!

At the end of August I will once again be cancer free. (incert backflips here!) So part of my healing will begin. There is also a need to heal our communities. Our country. It’s not us and them. It is just us. All of us. It’s ‘We the People’. We are the people. I didn’t serve for just a select few, I served for ALL of us! 

Yes, I realize that there are some big differences in our country now. But this hating one another has to stop🛑. A mentor of mine used to quote a poem all the time. I will share it with you. “He drew a circle that shut me out-

Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.

But love and I had the wit to win:

We drew a circle and took him In!”

― Edwin Markham

I know some people that are fairly good at drawing circles. Just sayin.

I live in a place where there are a lot of yard signs out in folks’ yards supporting different ideals. And I feel pretty comfortable in saying that if I broke down in front of their place, they would be all too happy to help me out. If I needed something to eat, they would feed me. They ain’t bad folks. It’s just got all twisted like. 

So this month I am forging pendants with the Ogham fid of NGetal. 

I am using it for healing work, both physical and emotional. I’m talking about magickal healing y'all! Selfcare. Courage. It’s direct action and active healing!

I know my Work is making tools to help other people do their Work.

So here I am, Standing Fast. I will forge these for us on September First. Dark Moon. I am doing these in copper for some added zing. Copper is Healing and comforting. There is a type of gentle wisdom with copper. And it’s an excellent conductor of energy!

(To learn more about Working with metal magickly, read this:)

I also invite and welcome you to be an active spectator with this forging. On 1Sept, noonish is when these will be co-created. I will post to my socials when I start. At that time, you can also direct your energy, thoughts and wants for this making. Even if you don’t purchase one, you can still take part in the Magick of it. Everyone can do something. We are ALL in this together. Let’s act like it!

Pre-order before Aug 31st!

If you are not familiar with 'Moon Bling' here is a post that explains it. What is Moon Bling?

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Don't leave just yet! Check out all the Forge Bling in the shop. And get the book 'Metal Never Lies An Introduction To Metal Magic'

Or see what upcoming Workshops are available. Finally, you can see what others say about their experience!

And don't forget to check out some things you may have missed on the YouTube channel.



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